
Obama Ashe

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I received the following email from my dear friend Abiola last night and in an effort to continue doing my part to ensure that our nation makes the decision that will put us back on the road to greatness as a people, I am sharing it with you. It’s been a very long fight and these last hours are the most important. Our words and our thoughts have tremendous power to affect the realities in our lives, and by extension, our world. If you agree, please repost widely. Obama ashe!

Obama Ashé

This message is addressed to all the supporters of Barack Obama for president who believe that words have power:


I keep hearing from Obama supporters, “I’m so scared…” or, “I am worried that….” Please understand – we need to be very careful about the words we use! Think of the sheer number of people across the globe who want to see Barack Obama as the next President of the United States. Now is the time to take responsibility for our speaking and for the energy that we are bringing to this goal. This will make a critical difference.

Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks writes, “Words are spells in our mouths.” Hip Hop teaches, “Word is bond.” The book of John says, “The Word becomes flesh.” And, in Yoruban culture, the word “ashé” is used powerfully to seal a declaration – not to mean “let it be so” as a future wish; rather the actual saying of “ashé” makes it so, accomplishes what precedes it, creates the vibration in the cosmos that makes it fact, truth, complete, done.

We can clearly affect the outcome of the election by how we cast our votes. Yet we can effect the election by being intentional about the outcome. We must make sure the words we use will produce the results we wish to see in Tuesday’s election. As cynical as some people say they are, if hundreds of thousands – if millions – of people around the world repeated, mantra-like, for the next two days, “Barack Obama IS President of the United States, NOW,” how would that intentionality rearrange the molecules and energy of the universe?

For the next two days, I invite you to hold Barack Obama as President – as of now, this moment, right now, now – now – he IS President and is taking office on January 20, 2009, at noon. Avoid giving energy to other concerns – they are distractions other people have introduced to shift us from focusing our power. Live into the truth of Obama as our President, completely, with every breath, with every thought, with every fiber of your being. No fear. No hesitation. No doubt. President Obama ASHÉ!

This has been a Weapon of Mass Instruction™ © 2008 Daniel Banks, DNAWORKS

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