why i’m here…
Quite simply and a bit selfishly, this expression is my latest effort to organize my life. But more importantly, I’m showing up on these pages to inspire myself to keep striving for and believing in what I want my life to be.
In the coming moments, months and millennia, I will cobble together the disparate elements that I believe give rise to a beautiful and brilliant life. It all comes down to pursuing my passions and risking everything I hold dear, in order that they may hold me.
My life and what you experience here may not always be beautiful and most certainly will not always be brilliant but it will always be mine. I hope you’ll join me on this marvelous journey because I have to say, it can get damn lonely around here sometimes and a girl can use all the friends she can get her finely manicured hands on!
Thanks for the welcome! I can’t wait to see what I come up with too!!
Cheers and welcome! I can’t wait to see what brilliance you come up with!!!!